You know, I never did figure out where my archives have gone. Oh well...
Happy Christmas/New Year etc to you all! Sorry I haven't blogged earlier, but having kept tabs on everyone else's blogs I see I'm not the only tardy one out there. Ha.
Christmas was good, though I was sad my parental units couldn't come to visit and stay in our lovely house. Mum pinched a nerve or something and couldn't sit in a car to make the journey. But she's okay now.
I received several excellent gifts, including an incredibly lifelike ceramic cat from my brother, a Nintendo DS from Rob, and Firefly from Ali. Now we can all watch the excellent series that preceded one of last year's best films, Serenity.
Talking of excellent films, on Saturday we headed off to the Phoenix Arts, the local 'art' cinema, and watched
The Brothers Grimm. It was Terry Gilliam's last film and wasn't in the main cinemas for long but we managed to catch it. It was really good! Matt Damon's acting was so good that I didn't notice it was Matt Damon. I heartily recommend it to you all.
I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off still, as you can tell from my sidebar thingummy. My brother John bought it over Christmas so he's been playing too. I've hit upon a new problem now, though. I've had this problem with my laptop ever since I had it - every so often it locks up and I have to restart it. Now it's developed a regular locking up thing where it freezes, waits a while (sometimes 30 seconds or so), then starts again! Very odd, and if it happens in the middle of a fight, it usually means I'm dead when it starts working again. Boo!
Other things, hmm, found this
Tripod video clip linked to on a website I frequent. Very funny, especially if you get addicted to games. I must be a fairly rare sort of wife to have the same gaming problem as many men seem to have (i.e. an inability to stop playing when I get into it!). Tripod are good. :)
I guess I could leave it here for now. I really should blog more often!
That video is brilliant :-)
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