Wow, we might be moving soon, that's a bit scary. I just have to figure out what all this paperwork is before I sign anything. Or I could just sign it. Live dangerously. :)
I just found this on a blog I look at every now and again (
AFK Gamer) - it's an interesting idea of what sorts of misunderstandings occur if you insist on spelling your World of Warcraft character's class ROUGE instead of ROGUE...
Look here, it's funny! Although it may only be funny if you've got continually annoyed at people mispelling it and have brought it up in general chat on several occasions. :)
Yet another photo contest -- this one's for a Corsa 05/06 Mustang axle-back exhaust system
Weblogs, Inc. on The Unofficial Photoshop Weblog - From across the network, it's the Best of Weblogs, Inc.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a ink refills site. It pretty much covers ink refills related stuff.
Come and check it out when you get time
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