Blogger hates me. They've changed a bunch of stuff here since my last post and it's not working properly. Not for me, anyway. I don't want it to be all clever and allow just anyone to post, I want to be able to do everything in plain text and format it myself using HTML! Honestly...
I was kind of in a mood to post a while ago, but since becoming annoyed with Blogger and having to delete a totally non-working post it wouldn't let me edit, I'm in less of a blogging mood. Drat. It has a little 'edit HTML' link up there, but does it do anything when I click on it? No, it does not. Boo hoo!
Daisy told me to blog, see. I think that link it what caused Blogger the most confusion last time round, because it's adding additional HTML to make my link work and thus rendering it... not working.
Anyway, when did I last blog? 28th June. That's over two weeks ago. How awful! I can't really think what I've done. I've been working a fair bit, and trying to sort out wedding things. My brother John came to stay for a bit and we built him a new PC. I ordered all the bits and he did most of the building. It all works, which is good! It has an evil looking case with orange eyes that flash when the hard drive's accessing. John called it Cyril the Cyborg. (Yes, Cyril's a really scary name.)
My Mum came up on Wednesday so that we could all go to pick up the wedding clothes.
Rob, Mum and I went up to Yorkshire and we both tried on our clothes, and they fitted! He hasn't seen my dress, because obviously that'd be bad. :)
Hmm, I can't think of much else to say, although TBH I'm just getting so annoyed with Blogger automatically formatting my text and making links all unworkable (among other things) that I'm going to give up. *sniff*
I have been mostly.... READING: edge magazine / LISTENING: hybrid theory (linkin park)
If you beat it about the head repeatedly it MIGHT succumb to your desires. Or just write all your posts in the edit html mode (a habit I've picked up and I don't even do anything clever with it at all).
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