You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I wasn't trying to get Neo. That's kind of scary.
You are Wolverine!
A loner by nature, you feel uncomfortable when
around those you don't know and even those you
do. You are awkward when it comes to
relationships, but fiercely loyal to those you
Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
And that's just... well, I had trouble deciding on quite a few of those questions. Not a particularly well done quiz, in that respect.
I kind of agree with the description line, though. ;)
And, like Ali...
You are The Cap'n!
Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any man that stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.
What's Yer Inner Pirate?
brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!
I think that's enough of that. :D
Incidentally, Daisy has been being really complimentary about my RP stuff at Zotria. I never feel that confident with it all, and I've had to ask her for help every step of the way. So if anyone is responsible for any decent stuff I've written, it's her. I wouldn't even have started if she hadn't made me!
Wasn't going to blog.
Better go now.
I have been mostly... WATCHING (DVD): spaced series 2 / WATCHING (TV): firefly (sci-fi) / READING: star wars - cloak of deception (james luceno) / LISTENING: among the suns (brainstorm); eighties coming back (ruffus/claire's birthday); sanomi (urban trad)
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