(Along with "yikes" it's my favourite
Monkey Island word.)
My gum's sore somehow. On the left hand side, right at the back. It really hurts when I move my tongue. Weird. It's been sore for a few days now, but I didn't want to bother you with it before. :)
Hence "ack".
Give stylish confetti to clown. Use goper repellent with horde of gophers. Or something.
Hmm. I'm sure there were things I wanted to say.
Today, when I tried to make gravy, I couldn't find any plain flour. I said to
Ali that there didn't seem to be any flour, and she said she'd bought some. Lo and behold, she'd put it on the shelf for tins, not where the flour's supposed to live! And then she has the audacity to say that she doesn't care. Apparently she's a 'rebel'. That'd be the 'putting flour in the wrong place' rebellion as opposed to anything more violent, then. Honestly, if there was a flour emergency the extra seconds my confusion'll cost could mean the different between life and death!
I've been doing quite a lot of
GIS lately. Yesterday I had a practical, and today I tried to figure out some of the project I have to do. I think I'm getting there, although I e-mailed myself a .dbf file I created only to discover it won't open in Microsoft Works Spreadsheet. It opened in Excel. I could have saved it as something else, but I didn't think of it. Ah well. I'll have to send it again tomorrow, or something.
I played with
Turbocad this morning, too. That was fun. I hadn't used CAD before.
Um... can't think of anything else.
Oh, I can't believe
Daisy hasn't seen
Blade Runner!
Was there anything else?
I don't think so.
Gophers. Stylish confetti. Files. Idols. Woo-hoo!
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