Well, I've spent a little while this afternoon listening to the
BBC World Service and redesigning my weblog. I watched the news for a few hours, too, clicking between Sky, the BBC and ITV's news channels. I watched as air raids happened in Kuwait City... it was indescribably skin crawling. It's so easy for people here to decide it doesn't matter if there's war. We're miles away, we can't be hurt, right? What does it matter? But for those people, whether they're Iraqi or they live in the countries who are going to have to put up with Iraq's inevitable strikes back... I can't imagine how scary it must be.
Anyway, I have a tagboard now, since those comments were
really unreliable. So... yeah. Whatever. Leave comments about the new look or the war or whatever you like. Or even just say hello. I like reading comments people leave. Sometimes I think no-one except for my closest friends actually come back to read this. Leave a message and prove me wrong.
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