Ali thinks I wasn't entirely clear about what I meant yesterday when I said this: "I hate it when you see people in films and they turn out to be old now." What I meant by this is that I don't necessarily connect the actors now with the people they once played in films. I think of Harrison Ford and I don't think of things he's done recently. I think of him as he once was. Thus it's always a surprise to me to find out how old people like Harrison Ford actually are. It's a brain thing.
In other news, because there's been a disturbing convergence of Harrison Ford related stuff in my life lately (people are beginning to talk) I decided to make a new avatar. I thought I'd make one in the style of old point and click adventures. Heads that are only a few pixels in area. That sort of thing. So, I made an avatar. It's not bad, considering.
Trouble is, I made him so he's an entire person, then I had to cut him in half so that he was a 60x60 picture. Drat... But if he'd been much smaller he would have been impossible to draw. I'd never thought how hard it was to draw game sprites when they were only a few pixels large. (Couldn't think how to finish that sentence. Is large the right word? You know what I mean.)
This may be the only time anyone sees the full length "Darrien" avatar, then.
The really weird thing is that although I used a pic of Harrison Ford (yeah, I did) as Han Solo to get the proportions right (it was the semi-transparent layer I initially traced over) the finished avatar looks a bit like
me. And I'm not even male. I suppose this is what happens when you only have a few pixels to play with.
Freaky. :D
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