I'll have to go to sleep soon. I don't want to. It's too early. But I
am tired. And I have to get up at 6.30am or something tomorrow - I said I'd go into
work for 7.30am. Aaargh! I start at 10am usually, and that's early enough! I'm
not a morning person. Although the longer day means I get loads more breaks. Wow, a whole hour for lunch! Not 20 minutes! (If I worked 9-5.30 instead of 10-5.30 I'd still have the same amount of paid hours, even though I'm there for an hour longer. Interesting, eh? *grin*)
I've spent hours, yesterday and today, working out a
Star Wars chronology for all the books. It wasn't as hard as it could have been, because the nice people at
theforce.net had already worked out the dates! But their chronology included all the childrens books and graphic novels etc. as well, and I just wanted the adult novels. I've been spending a lot of money on
eBay lately. I can't resist the call of the
Star Wars novel. Aaargh!!!! I haven't even read them all and I want more!
So check out
my chronology. Since it was mainly for my own benefit, I starred all the books I've got. (Although I haven't paid for two yet, and they're not actually here, 'cos I only won them the other day.) *sigh*
I can take it into
work, that'd justify the hours it took
The worrying thing is, the
New Jedi Order books look more and more tempting, and there are
loads of them..! Oh dear...
And so many of the things are by decent sci-fi authors.
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