Stargate MMO? How did I miss that one!?
Yay it's Animal Crossing flea market day!
Are you out there, James? You're blogging so I guess you are. :p
I've played a lot more Animal Crossing than anything else for the past week or so. We were supposed to play WoW today and do an instance but Phil isn't around. He said he would be, we planned it and everything, but he's not around.
We've been very busy as always. Had lovely pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, and now Ali's given up pizza for lent! This is no easy thing, she really likes pizza. The guys who run the pizza place know us a bit too well. They call Rob 'boss man', which is amusing.
I haven't given up anything for lent. :)
I'm reading a fascinating history book about the Da Vinci Code, I hadn't realised there were quite so many factual errors in it. I've been learning a lot about early Christian history. For instance, did you know that the 27 books in the New Testament were finalised by around AD367, because Athanasius wrote a letter with a list in it? I presume he's the same person who did the Athanasian Creed. It's interesting how the books were chosen, though the four gospels were always included, it's just some of the other ones that were debated a bit more. It certainly wasn't Constantine deciding to cover things up and present Jesus as divine rather than human. The Dead Sea Scrolls don't include any Christian books, so what's in those wasn't 'covered up', and the other gospels in the Da Vinci Code actually present Jesus as
more divine, especially the gnostic ones. And none of them say Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a 'special relationship'. Anyway...